Monday, July 5, 2021

July 5, 2021: Let the Road Trip Begin! Glen Rose, TX

At 3:33pm today, we pulled out of our neighborhood to start our ~3400 mile, 36 day trip with our travel trailer. 

We look completely cool, calm, and collected: 

And I promise, John is actually excited! This big trip became a reality as we broke down on the side of the rod almost four months ago. Armed with a new truck that could pull a trailer, we got Shasta a few weeks later, and after a few test runs and an inaugural trip to Corpus Christi, the planning began.

Luckily, both kids are rockstar travelers. John was thrilled we got a small hotel to pull behind the truck that had BUNK BEDS (thus making it way cooler than our house). Elizabeth prepared for the trip by learning to crawl and say hi and bye to about everyone and everything! 

Together John and Laura planned out the whole trip and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the plan to Richard. It was too late to back out now! Here is the big picture:

We are off to explore our country, fittingly just after we celebrate our country’s 145th birthday! We probably forgot a few things and there will be a fair share of mishaps, but many more memories.

And we are off! The first stop is in Glen Rose, TX, a mere 155 miles away. 

The reality (only left 3.5 hours late!)

After getting settled in, we went to dinner at a local place on the Paluxy River here in Glen Rose, TX. After a delicious burrito, we headed to the main square and courthouse where we saw….

::drum roll::: 

Dinosaur tracks!

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